You work hard to build a professional-looking website. You've done all the SEO you can to promote and increase the site's visibility. Your client notices your hard work but so do the spammers. Putting your email or having a Contact Us form on your website is an important part of the site feature. You might quickly find out that your inbox is filled with spammers from all over the world, some of them are even written in foreign languages. It’s like a cat and mouse game to avoid these spammers but they seem to keep popping up no matter how hard you try.
Some of your sites may have a reCAPTCHA from Google or other services. It’s a “robot” blocker that asks humans to prove they are not a robot. It’s effective but inconvenient and can deter users from contacting you.
What options do you have? There are other ways to stop spammers without any usability impacts. One of the most common methods is called Honey Pot. Honey Pot places a hidden piece of code that only robots will see, remaining hidden from site visitors. This is a far more effective way of catching unwanted spammers without affecting user experiences. To see it in action, go to our main site and click on the “Let’s get started” button; there is a Honey Pot behind it. By contrast, our Contact Us form is developed with Google reCAPTCHA. The Honey Pot end result is amazing. Within 1 week of deployment, we successfully captured over 140 unique IP addresses that are trapped by Honey Pot. Those IPs are added to our SPAM database which will automatically block them from sending spam messages to us. As the database grows, we will be able to stop more and more spammers from infecting us with unwanted spams.
If you would like to find out more about how Honey Pots work and how we can help you fight spam. Get in contact with us now.
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